Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 16 /365 - FUTURE Transportation The SEGWAY

Align CenterI've seen this guy all over Colorado Springs.He seems to be enjoying his ride. Always smiling :)

wonder if this is a sign of our future ; Robin, is this what you were SUPPOSED to win at the contest? Happy Monday all


Iris said...

What is he riding?

I do a website for a guy in AZ who make motorized carts for bicycles. Same sort of idea I guess.

Robin said...

Yep, I thought I was winning a Segway but got a Q Chariot instead.

Kat Simpson said...

Iris, I think what he is riding is called a 'segway' It's a one person upright transporation device.I'll try to get better photos. the look pretty cooll for downtoswn use but with my lack of balance I wonder. As I watched him, he would slo down and lean back to go up or down curves so i'm sure there is a learnging curve.Soeey you never got the Segway Robing as that would have been a lot more useuslf for you!
