Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 26 Little Wild Bunny

Took DH to the doctor today and caught this cute little guy (girl?) scampering in the flowers when we came out. Hope he found his way back home


Z-ville said...

That's a great picture of him/her. We have some bunnies in our neighborhood, and they usually make like a statue until you get relatively close, and then off they go!

Iris said...

Ahhh, too cute.

Carole and Chewy said...

This photo looks like one of those prints where the animals are hidden in the background and you have to look really hard for them.

Love the bunny.

Jai Johnson • JaiArt.Com said...

oh how precious! I love bunnies. We don't have many of them here, which is surprising considering how much wildlife we have.

Fashion Schlub said...

great shot! I can't ever get that close to the bunnies....just the DEER